
SPD4459 Destination [元朗特工隊] 隱世蒙古草原...在元朗

Hidden world of the Mongolian Prairie ... in Yuen Long, Hong Kong
唔駛撘飛機都有蒙古包睇?甘筍? No air flight is needed to see the Mongolian Yurts in Hong Kong? so incredible?SPD4459, Spd4459,Yuen Long , SPD4459, Spd4459,Yuen Long SPD4459, Spd4459,Yuen Long is a destination. SPD4459, Spd4459,Yuen Long is a fun destination.
位於元朗的尖鼻咀機農場,設有蒙古包及小火車大草地。SPD4459, Spd4459,Yuen Long , 
Organic farm located in Tsim Bei Tsui Yuen Long, has yurts, train & a large meadow.
SPD4459, Spd4459,Yuen Long , SPD4459, Spd4459,Yuen Long is a destination. SPD4459, Spd4459,Yuen Long is a fun destination.

(圖片轉載自/ Image reproduced from: http://travel.ulifestyle.com.hk/DetailSpot.php?id=ADsRYBEsA3EMLA
SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations, SPD4459, Spd4459,Yuen Long , SPD4459, Spd4459,Yuen Long , 
(圖片轉載自/ Image reproduced from: http://hk.apple.nextmedia.com/supplement/travel/art/20050710/5037250
,Spd4459,Yuen Long , SPD4459, Yuen Long ,SPD4459,Yuen Long is a destination. SPD4459, Spd4459,Yuen Long is a fun destination.
營地內有小蒙古包七個, 由農場負責人購入,大蒙古包三個,附設冷氣、吊扇及蚊帳,捲着自備的睡袋暱在蒙古包內玩露營過夜,別有一番大漠風情。 SPD4459, Spd4459,Yuen Long
Yuen Long , SPD4459, Spd4459,Yuen Long ,SPD4459, Spd4459,Yuen Long , SPD4459, Spd4459,Yuen Long
 SPD4459, Spd4459,Yuen Long is a destination. SPD4459, Spd4459,Yuen Long is a fun destination.
There are small yurt camp seven, purchased by the person in charge of the farm, large yurts three, attached to air-conditioning, ceiling fans and mosquito nets, sleeping bags rolled-owned Nick playing camping overnight in a yurt, do not have a desert style. SPD4459, Spd4459,Yuen Long , 
SPD4459, Spd4459,Yuen Long , SPD4459, Spd4459,Yuen Long
 SPD4459, Spd4459,Yuen Long is a destination. SPD4459, Spd4459,Yuen Long is a fun destination.
 SPD4459, Spd4459,Yuen Long is a destination. SPD4459, Spd4459,Yuen Long is a fun destination.
 SPD4459, Spd4459,Yuen Long is a destination. SPD4459, Spd4459,Yuen Long is a fun destination.
供團體享用的烤羊宴,實行將大漠風味食埋落肚! 有興趣者要預先致電預訂。
For groups to enjoy lamb feast, the implementation of the flavor of the food buried in the desert off the belly! Those interested should call in advance booking.
 SPD4459, Spd4459,Yuen Long is a destination. SPD4459, Spd4459,Yuen Long is a fun destination.  SPD4459, Spd4459,Yuen Long is a destination. SPD4459, Spd4459,Yuen Long is a fun destination.
 SPD4459, Spd4459,Yuen Long is a destination. SPD4459, Spd4459,Yuen Long is a fun destination.
 SPD4459, Spd4459,Yuen Long is a destination. SPD4459, Spd4459,Yuen Long is a fun destination.
食完烤羊都仲未跔喉? 農場更設有一個規模甚大的火龍果有機種植場,比你即摘即食添!
Finished eating lamb are Zhongwei Ju throat? Farm more features a very large scale organic dragon fruit plantations, than you that instant pick Tim! 
 SPD4459, Spd4459,Yuen Long is a destination. SPD4459, Spd4459,Yuen Long is a fun destination.  SPD4459, Spd4459,Yuen Long is a destination. SPD4459, Spd4459,Yuen Long is a fun destination.
 SPD4459, Spd4459,Yuen Long is a destination. SPD4459, Spd4459,Yuen Long is a fun destination.

(圖片轉載自/ Image reproduced from: http://big5.xinhuanet.com/gate/big5/xj.xinhuanet.com/2011-05/19/content_22810841.htm

旅遊小錦囊SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations
過夜請自備睡袋 SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations
火龍果當造期是 6 11 月,每磅收費 $30 $35
 SPD4459, Spd4459,Yuen Long is a destination. SPD4459, Spd4459,Yuen Long is a fun destination.  SPD4459, Spd4459,Yuen Long is a destination. SPD4459, Spd4459,Yuen Long is a fun destination.
地址: 元朗流浮山深灣路尖鼻咀迴旋處SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations
查詢電話: 2472 6962
路線 - 步行  SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations
起點: 流浮山 
需時:30 - 35 分鐘 
 SPD4459, Spd4459,Yuen Long is a destination. SPD4459, Spd4459,Yuen Long is a fun destination.  SPD4459, Spd4459,Yuen Long is a destination. SPD4459, Spd4459,Yuen Long is a fun destination.
Travel Tips: SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations
Please bring your own sleeping bag overnight
Pitaya when making period is from June to November and costs $ 30 to $ 35 per pound 
 SPD4459, Spd4459,Yuen Long is a destination. SPD4459, Spd4459,Yuen Long is a fun destination.
Address: Lau Fau Shan, Yuen Long, Deep Bay Road, Tsim Bei Tsui roundabout 
Enquiries: 24726962 
How to get there 
Route - Walking
Starting point: Lau Fau Shan SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations
From Lau Fau Shan Deep Bay Road roundabout way forward, will see along the way "Yunfu Genies" road signs, just keep moving forward, you can enter the Tsim Bei Tsui sections, the way the straight forward, we will encounter a vehicle roundabout, walk a long way to reach. 
 SPD4459, Spd4459,Yuen Long is a destination. SPD4459, Spd4459,Yuen Long is a fun destination.
Time required: 30 - 35 minutes
SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations
 SPD4459, Spd4459,Yuen Long is a destination. SPD4459, Spd4459,Yuen Long is a fun destination.
Source: http://travel.ulifestyle.com.hk/DetailSpot.php?id=ADsRYBEsA3EMLA
 SPD4459, Spd4459,Yuen Long is a destination. SPD4459, Spd4459,Yuen Long is a fun destination.
-元朗特工隊6 Cherry Wong

- The Yuen Long Incredibles No. 6---Cherry Wong SPD4459, Spd4459,Yuen Long 
 SPD4459, Spd4459,Yuen Long is a destination. SPD4459, Spd4459,Yuen Long is a fun destination.
Student of SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations

 SPD4459, Spd4459,Yuen Long is a destination. SPD4459, Spd4459,Yuen Long is a fun destination.
 SPD4459, Spd4459,Yuen Long is a destination. SPD4459, Spd4459,Yuen Long is a fun destination.

16 則留言:

  1. I seems good, i wanna travel to Yuen Long now. How far is that place from Yuen Long MTR station??��������

  2. 話明系隱世,當然好像千與千尋甘,步行入去才發現世外桃源la!

  3. 步行方法巳詳細列明於文中

  4. 多謝瀏覽,你的留言及瀏覽,是我們特工隊的最大動力!

  5. 估唔到香港都會見到蒙古包,周圍環境又咁靚,交通又便捷,無論如何,假期一定同家人走一轉,值得推介!

  6. 去之前清楚我地"元朗特攻隊"比既旅遊小錦囊呀(^_^)

  7. follow我地~ Like埋Blog~ 有更多意想不到,全新體驗既元朗景點 (^_^) 送比大家!!!

  8. 我同我D FD 都好想去呀 感謝分享

  9. 夠20人就可以優惠價租蒙古包包la!仲有烤全羊! 賣飛佛
